MusicOntario at Music Career Day in London, ON!

MusicOntario is proud to be supporting London's Music Career Day this November
A career in the music industry, is there really such a thing? Yes, and the London Music Office is aiming to educate Londoners about the opportunities that exist by holding London’s first Music Career Day on Friday, November 17.
This free event, running 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Wolf Performance Hall, will give attendees an opportunity to see and hear firsthand how to build a career in the music industry. Attendees will have the chance to listen to panel discussions, keynote presentations, interact one-on-one in the mentor lounge and discuss careers with industry professionals during breakout sessions. The day wouldn’t be complete without a few musical performances. Speakers will highlight career paths including; Song writing, Production, Music Synchronization, Publishing, Royalties, Radio Tracking, Music Promotion, Venue Managing, Social Media Specialist, Public Relations and Industry Development and Incubation. The event will benefit anyone looking for insight into a career within the music industry.
Live music alone contributes over 20,000 jobs to the Ontario economy annually. Music is revered as one of three economic advantages for the province of Ontario and best of all, the music industry is seeing significant growth and partnerships with other creative industries. “The music industry is like an iceberg,” said Cory Crossman, London’s Music Industry Development Officer. “The public only sees a small portion of the music industry when in fact the largest segment operates behind the scenes. We’re trying to show that it’s not just about the band and the musicians but that there are many careers available that connect and support those on stage.”
“We have such talent in London’s music scene and we want to help people turn their passion into a successful career,” said Mayor Matt Brown. “The London Music Office does just that. This workshop is a great way to make Londoners aware of the opportunities that exist and how to create your own.”
With 875 students studying music programs at post-secondary schools across London, Music Career Day aims to support the outlying components of the music business and highlight the opportunities available. “London has a need for amplifiers, the people that support the growth of music careers. We have a real hub here in London but we need to get youth thinking about careers in and around music if we’re going to truly build a vibrant Music City,” said Crossman.
The event is free for attendees but registration is encouraged:
Media Contact:
Cory Crossman
Music Industry Development Officer
London Culture Office
519-661-2500 ext. 7308