MusicOntario Communities Connect @ Hamilton Film Festival: Music and Film – Pitching for Sync & Licensing

MUSICONTARIO COMMUNITIES CONNECT: Music and Film – Pitching for Sync
& Licensing
November 10, 2018, 4:00PM-4:45PM @ Sheraton Hamilton Hotel (116 King St W, Hamilton, ON L8P 4V3)
MusicOntario Communities Connect is all about bridging the gaps between Ontario’s vibrant music markets based on consultations with local artists, music professionals and creative organizations.
MusicOntario is pleased to partner with The Hamilton Film Festival once again to discuss all things current and relevant in music and film. Music placements in film, TV, ads, video games and other digital content are universally sought after by artists and industry alike. Sync and licensing mean that your music is working for you behind the scenes and generating royalties. So how can you get your catalogue heard by the right people? What are the best practices and approaches, the and dos and don’ts to get there? Prep your questions for our panel of experts!
- Brad Machry (Manager of Royalties & Licensing, True North Records) – Moderator
- Amy Eligh (Director of Publishing & Licensing, Arts & Crafts)
- Gavin Alexander (Music Supervisor, Vapor RMW)
- Emily Haffenden (Sync & Licensing Representative, Aporia Records)
- STACEY (Artist)