Mississauga Music Week 2019: Musicians + Money Panel

2019: Musicians + Money Panel
August 8, 2019, 7PM @ Metalworks
Institute (3611 Mavis Road,
Mississauga, ON)
Money can be a headache for musicians. How do we get paid? Where are the revenue streams? What are the funding options? Come find out how you can potentially monetize your music & cash in with your creativity! Mississauga Music Week 2019 presents Musicians + Money @ Metalworks Institute - FREE.
Chris Hummel - Independent Artist, The Dreamboats
Corey Poole - Music Development, City of Mississauga
Karina Moldovan - Communications, FACTOR
Matt Badoe - Administration, CIMA & MusicOntario
Hosted by Arlene Music with a special performance by Five and Tens!
CHRIS HUMMEL is an active performing musician and educator based out of
Mississauga, Ontario. He is the lead singer of the retro inspired rock ‘n’ roll
band “The Dreamboats“. For over 10 years he has been a music educator, offering
private lessons, as well as band and school programs throughout the GTA area.
COREY POOLE is an advocate for the power of music with a background in royalties, copyright, and municipal music policy. He began his career as a full–time artist and DJ before spending nearly a decade in music licensing, advocacy, and communications between CONNECT Music Licensing and Music Canada. He is currently Music Development Coordinator at the City of Mississauga, working to support and develop Mississauga’s growing music community, and serving as a resource to City staff and Council.
KARINA MOLDOVAN has been with FACTOR since 2015, and works as the Communications Officer. She is a graduate of the Communications Studies program at Laurier University as well as the Artist Management Program at the Harris Institute in Toronto. Though she lacks any kind of musical talent herself, she is passionate about helping other artists find the funding they need. She currently oversees FACTOR's external communications and works closely with FACTOR's senior staff and government and industry stakeholders.
MATT BADOE joined CIMA and MusicOntario as Administrative Coordinator February 2018.
A singer-songwriter and musician, Matt started his industry career in Coalition
Music’s Marketing Department, eventually moving on to acquire further
experience as a contract grant writer. Putting his education and experience as
an artist and arts administrator to the test, Matt coordinates CIMA &
MusicOntario’s funding approaches and facilitates day to day operations.