MusicOntario Presents Tune Up Toronto: Focus on Hard Rock & Metal
January 25, 2016, 2-9PM @ Bovine Sex Club (542 Queen St. W)
FREE for MusicOntario members with code $10 for non-members Tune Up Toronto is a MusicOntario workshop series designed to cater to the needs of local music communities by genre, for artists and emerging music professionals alike. Heavy music has been on the radars of millions of musicians and fans alike for decades, and despite its massive international commercial reach, this cluster of diverse genres doesn’t always get its proper slice of resources and representation. This session will provide you with an informative panel by industry pros, an opportunity to network with engaged players in the hard rock/metal scenes, live music and snacks/refreshments to keep you going! We will also have some special guests! FACTOR will be on hand to provide information abour their funding programs. Representatives will facilitate drop-in sessions for attendees who want to get into some of the nitty gritty of applying for financial support. Funding can be incredibly daunting, so make sure to take a moment to connect with their friendly, helpful staff! UNISON Benevolent Fund will be joining us for this session, to provide info about what they do and how they strive to support and emergency relief to the music community. SHOWCASE Bands will be announced shortly! PANELISTS- Rich Fernandes (New Damage Records/Bedlam Music Management) web: // twitter: @newdamage
- Noel Peters (Intertia Entertainment) web: // insta: @intertia_noel
- Diane Foy (Skylar Entertainment) web: // twitter: @SkylarEntPR
- Brian Hetherman (MusicOntario & Curve Music) – Moderator web: // twitter: @curve_music
- Emy Stantcheva & Rosalyn Dennett (CIMA & MusicOntario) web: & // twitter: @_CIMAmusic & @musicontario