MusicOntario presents Communities Connect London: CMAO Awards 2017

COMMUNITIES CONNECT LONDON: CMAO AWARDS 2017 Unlocking the Essence of the Artist: The Producers Panel June 11, 2017, 3-4 PM @ Delta Amouries Hotel (325 Dundas St., London, ON)
MusicOntario Communities Connect is all about bridging the gaps between Ontario’s vibrant music markets! During our Community Development Research Project (CDRP), we asked musicians, artists and industry professionals across the province what types of support and education they hoped to have access to regionally (you can read the full results at London, ON is hosting the Country Music Association of Ontario Awards in 2017, and we’re going to tackle the role of the producer! Some producers are artists, and some artists are producers. Some producers are knob-twiddlers, while others “phone it in from home." Getting the right producer can make or break your musical career. We’ve gathered some of the best producers to guide you through the process of creating a great album. PANELISTS- Brian Hetherman – MusicOntario & Curve Music (Moderator) web: // twitter: @curve_music
- Emm Gryner – Artist web: // twitter: @emmgryner
- Gavin Brown – Producer web:
- Jason Barry – Artist, Producer web: // twitter: @woodsterb
- Scott Cooke