Member Spotlight: Myer Clarity - Not All Heroes Wear Capes

This month's MusicOntario Member Spotlight focuses on rapper/producer/songwriter Myer Clarity, who recently released his new album Not All Heroes Wear Capes!
Forget everything you think you know about hip hop. Twenty five year old Myer Clarity comes straight out of left field with his charmingly unorthodox blend of hip hop, pop, and punk. Draped head to toe in tattoos, sporting grungy bleached blonde hair and a Sid Vicious meets Post Malone aesthetic, Myer Clarity has already established himself as a college crowd favourite, touring Canada, the US, and Europe extensively over the past 5 years. Talking about his album, Myer said "Not All Heroes Wear Capes is part one of a three part series about how appearances can be deceiving and what’s ugly on the outside might be pretty on the inside. I grew up the rap kid in a group of punk rockers and we all got judged for our street kid appearances even though they were some of the nicest people I’d ever met. This album is the story of us kids and how we grew up".
Album Link:
Spotify Link:
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