The support for workers in live arts and music sectors fund

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On March 10, 2021, the Department of Canadian Heritage announced the details of the $40 million Support for Workers in the Live Arts and Music Sectors Fund. This allocation stems from the Fall Economic Statement investment of $181.5 million in emergency supports for the arts and culture sectors.
The Support for Workers in Live Arts and Music Sectors Fund will include an investment of $5 million through the Building Communities through Arts and Heritage – Local Festivals component and $20 million through the Canada Arts Presentation Fund (CAPF). Further details on this Fund can be found below. The remaining $15 million will be distributed through the Canada Music Fund (CMF) through FACTOR and MUSICACTION.
This announcement builds upon the $116.5 million investment in the Canada Council for the Arts through the Digital Now initiative and the extended investment in the Explore and Create program.
You can only receive this special funding through one program, to avoid duplication of funding the same eligible expenses, and so that Canadian Heritage and Canada Council can maximize the reach of this funding.
Also previously announced was the one-year renewal of the $25 million Budget 2019 investment in the aforementioned Canadian Heritage Funds (Building Communities, CAPF, CMF).
Support for Workers in Live Arts and Music Sectors Fund
The Support for Workers in Live Arts and Music Sectors Fund is designed to
- support the arts and cultural sectors in immediately contracting and employing artists and cultural workers, as part of the federal government’s overall efforts to help Canadians and Canadian businesses weather the effects of the COVID‑19 pandemic; and
- provide arts and cultural experiences to Canadians, both live and digital, while restrictions on gatherings and travel continue across the country.
The following organizations are eligible for funding:
- Existing recipients of the Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage (BCAH) — Local Festivals component, or the Canada Arts Presentation Fund (CAPF)
- Organizations that were eligible under the COVID‑19 Emergency Support Fund delivered by BCAH and the CAPF (including eligible but unsuccessful CAPF 2020‑2021 applicants)
- Past funding recipients that meet the applicant and activity eligibility criteria of BCAH or the CAPF; and
- Eligible but unsuccessful CAPF 2021-2022 applicants.
- Eligible organizations are encouraged to partner with other organizations that may not be eligible to apply, to maximize reach and impact of the funding.
There is no deadline to apply for the Fund. Applications will be accepted on a continuous basis for projects to be carried out between April 1, 2021, and March 31, 2022. Funding will cover up to 100% of eligible expenses, up to $100,000.
Funding will be available on a first-come, first-served basis until all funds are disbursed.
Eligible organizations are encouraged to apply before October 15, 2021, to ensure that the Department has sufficient time to assess their application and the applicant has enough time to carry out its project before March 31, 2022.
Read the FAQ Guide here
For full information on program guidelines & how to apply visit