Have you seen OntarioLiveMusic.ca/OntarioEnConcert.ca yet?
You can now access a sneak peak of OntarioLiveMusic.ca and OntarioEnConcert.ca. These sites are part of the province’s live music strategy and are designed to promote live music events around the province to tourists and local residents. The sites were soft launched this week in order to iron out a few bugs and boost the data on the site. There are holes in the data and the organizers were hoping you might be able to fill some of those before they officially launch the site.
You will find a “Submit a Concert” link in the top right of the site. If you are involved with an upcoming concert or festival in Ontario, please submit it if it isn’t appearing on the site. If you know someone that is playing or organizing a concert or festival, please send them the links to add their own dates. The more data collected, the more useful this tool will be when the province officially launches it. If you have any questions about the information on the site, or have ideas on features that could be added to the sites, you can direct them to Amber Authier (647-286-7494, aauthier@musiccanada.com).