MMF Announces Travel Bursary for Ontario Managers

We’ve got some great news for Ontario-based music managers from our friends over at the Music Managers Forum!
They’ve just announced the creation of the MMF Canada Travel Bursary – a bursary made possible through the support of the Ontario Music Fund. The MMF has secured $40,000 in funding to create this international export-focused bursary, which will “empower Ontario’s music managers to expand into new markets by offsetting travel expenses.”
The application deadline for the MMF Canada Travel Bursary is May 27, 2015 at 5:00pm EST. You can request a copy of the application package by emailing the MMF at
The MMF has put together a handy set of Guidelines to spell out the specifics surrounding eligibility, deadlines and the application process that you can view/download/print by clicking here.
We’ve summarized some of the key requirements, but please get in touch with the MMF for any questions/concerns!
What does the bursary cover and how much can I apply for?
- The Travel Bursary will cover up to 75% of the following activities:
- International travel to conferences, major festivals (if an artist has been invited to perform), targeted business trips
- Travel within Canada to conferences that have an official export development component.
- Eligible costs include: airfare, train and ground transportation, accommodation, per diems, registration fees, cell and data packages, travel insurance, marketing materials. Ineligible costs: hospitality, festival tickets/passes.
- The amount that you can apply for is based on your average revenue from artist commissions over the past 3 years. Note: revenue earned from ‘other’ sources like consulting, grants, publishing, etc. is not eligible.
- If your management income averaged over 3 years is between $35,000 – $75,000, you’re eligible for up to $2,500. If your management income over the past 3 years is averaged at over $75,000, you’re eligible for up to $7,500.
- Alternatively, you may also be eligible if your have deferred commissions as part of your artist development strategy. See this document for more details.
- The travel eligibility period for the Bursary is retroactive from February 1, 2016 through to the end of September 30, 2015.
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Ontario-based music managers representing Canadian artists
- Ontario-based self-managed artists who meet eligibility criteria
- Members of MMF Canada (Applicants must be MMF members at the time of travel).
- Managers who have been in business for over one year.
- Managers representing export-ready artists
- Managers who meet one of the following:
- at least 1 artist signed to a label domestically or internationally
- at least 1 artist has sold 2,500 units/downloads
- artists combined played minimum 50 shows over the last year
- Applicants must have a HST number and be prepared to submit corporation financial statements or tax returns to substantiate eligible revenue if application is accepted.