MusicOntario's and CIMA's Rosalyn Dennett Moves to Ontario Live Music

MusicOntario's and the Canadian Independent Music Association (CIMA)'s Membership Services Coordinator, Rosalyn Dennett, has begun a new role at Ontario Live Music.
During her time working for MusicOntario, CIMA and Canadian Blast, Rosalyn demonstrated a passion for engaging with artists, venues and the industry to help grow the valuable resource that is Canadian music.
"It is with bittersweet feelings that I announce my departure from CIMA and MusicOntario. It has been an honour and a pleasure to serve their robust memberships, and I have been lucky to work with such a wonderful team," says Rosalyn.
Beyond her work for music industry associations, Rosalyn is also a talented and active musician in her own right. She continues to play high-profile folk festivals throughout Canada and the world, such as the Winnipeg Folk Festival, Mariposa and Tønder Festival in Denmark.
We congratulate Rosalyn very much, and wish her all the best in her future professional and artistic endeavours!